Our new team member Gill

Introducing our new Team Member Gill

Perth Buyer's Agent Heath Bassett


Buyer's agent and co-founder

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    Our new buyer’s agent

    G’day it’s Heath from You&Me Personalised Property Services, the buyer’s agency made for you the buyer. Today, I’m are excited to introduce one of our newest team members, Gill, who joined us at the end of last year.

    As a leading Perth buyer’s agency, we pride ourselves on providing personalised property services to our clients, and Gill has already proven to be a valuable addition to our team.

    Heath Bassett and Gill-Your Perth buyers agents
    Heath Bassett and Gill, your Perth dedicated buyers agents

    About Gill

    Gill’s love for real estate runs deep, stemming from his childhood experiences watching his father gradually improve his own financial situation through property investment. This early exposure to the power of real estate has started a passion in Gill, and he knew from a young age that he wanted to pursue a career in this field.

    A multiple property investor

    Before joining our team, Gill had already begun his journey in real estate by investing in multiple properties himself. He has personally used various strategies, such as subdivision and rental yield optimisation, to grow his own portfolio.

    Learning everyday as a buyer’s agent

    However, after joining You&Me Personalised Property Services, Gill has quickly realised that there was still so much more to learn.

    “I thought I knew everything because I had a couple of properties,” Gill admits, “but when I joined you guys, I realised that I knew nothing.” Gill’s humility and enthusiasm for learning are exactly what we look for in our team members. He’s always ready to jump at the chance to expand his knowledge and skills, and that’s something we really appreciate about him.

    Gill, our new team member
    Gill, our new team member

    Picking the best investment strategies for our buyers

    At You&Me Personalised Property Services, we understand that successful property investment requires more than just having the money to buy a property and hoping for the best. It involves careful strategising, diversification, and a deep understanding of different market segments and locations. Our team is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest industry news, trends, and data, which sets us apart from others in the field.

    Our buyer’s agency stays up to date with current market trends

    We’re always reading articles, blogs, and going through data to stay up to date with the industry and the market. When we’re sitting on the couch, we’re always going through real estate related things. That’s what makes us different. That’s why we’ve actually got a passion for real estate, not just trying to get people on and off the books as quickly as possible.

    Our team is dedicated to helping property buyers

    This dedication to continuous learning and providing personalised service is evident in Gill’s approach to his work. He has already tackled numerous challenges head-on, including mastering the art of creating engaging video content for our clients. Through his hard work and determination, Gill has become an integral part of our team, helping us deliver tailored property investment strategies to our clients.

    Apart from real estate

    Gill’s a family man

    Outside of his passion for real estate, Gill is a devoted family man, enjoying and cherishing the time he spends with his wife and three-year-old daughter. When he’s not exploring new property opportunities or spending quality time with his family, Gill can often be found on the cricket pitch, practicing his skills and enjoying the camaraderie of the sport.

    Gill enjoys playing cricket in his free time
    Gill enjoys playing cricket in his free time

    “Rather than watching social media, I prefer going through houses, reading about the properties,” Gill shares. “I love it.” This genuine enthusiasm for all things real estate is what makes Gill such a valuable asset to our team and to our clients.

    Our passion makes us successful

    At You&Me Personalised Property Services, we are committed to helping our clients achieve their property investment goals through personalised, strategic advice. With team members like Gill, who bring passion, b, and a tireless work ethic to the table, we are confident in our ability to deliver exceptional results.

    Need a buyer’s agent for your next Perth property?

    Contact us today

    If you’re looking for a buyer’s agent who will work around the clock to help you find your next property and develop a tailored investment strategy, look no further than You&Me Personalised Property Services.

    Come and have a chat with us, and experience the difference that a passionate, knowledgeable team can make in your property investment journey.

    Welcome aboard, Gill! We are excited to see the great things you will achieve as part of our team.

    Reviews from our satisfied customers


    Perth Buyer's Agent Heath Bassett

    About the author

    Property Buyer's Agent and Co-Founder at You&Me Personalised Property Services

    Buy property in Perth and Brisbane with confidence.

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