Earning trust and delivering results

Delivering results to our clients across the country

Perth Buyer's Agent Heath Bassett


Buyer's agent and co-founder

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    Another property acquisition success story

    Good day everyone, it’s Heath Bassett from You&Me Personalised Property Services. If you’re reading this article, you may know that we are a Perth and Brisbane buyer’s agency with one goal in mind: helping you, the property buyer.

    In this short article, I’d like to talk about what we strive for and why our clients trust our buyer’s agent services.

    If you’re looking to buy property in Perth or Brisbane, this is what we do

    • Getting a deal done
    • Securing properties under value
    • Over-delivering by creating effective property strategies and future-proofing
    • Helping our clients make money and save money with their property purchases.

    Some of the rewards our buyer’s agency receives from clients

    • Repeat business (you can see on our Google Business Profile why our clients often use our buyer’s agent services more than once)
    • Referrals
    • Loyalty and trust

    Helping our clients from Sydney to buy Perth property

    Multiple times property investors

    If you are thinking of buying a property with us, this success story might interest you.

    We helped a couple from Sydney buy a property in Perth back in 2023.

    The property we bought for our clients

    We helped our clients acquire a property in Butler, WA. Here are some details about the house:

    • Four bedroom
    • Two bathroom
    • Close to 600m² of land

    What was the property value back in February 2023?

    We acquired it off-market for $495,000. Back in February 2023 (when we bought this property), it had already been purchased under market value (which made our clients satisfied at that time).

    What is the property value in May 2024?

    In May 2024, this property was valued at about $670,000 to $680,000. In a year, our clients potentially made $175,000 to $185,000! This is what our buyer’s agency is all about.

    Winning with and for our client: earning trust as buyer’s agents

    Happy with their previous investment (Butler property), our Sydney clients decided to hire our services again this year to buy a second property in Perth.

    Heath Bassett explains why buyers trust YouandMe Personalised Property Services
    Heath Bassett explains why buyers trust YouandMe Personalised Property Services

    Another off-market opportunity we didn’t miss

    For their second purchase, our buyer’s agency found a great off-market opportunity.

    Our clients came to us and asked us to do the job as we normally do and get them what we think will be a good property investment.

    And again, the property was acquired under market value.

    The whole point of this story is to express our gratitude towards each and every client we work with. Earning property buyers’ trust is what we live for.

    For your information, it took us a couple of missed opportunities to finally secure this acquisition.

    Building strong relationships with our clients

    After helping them buy their second property, we were excited and happy for our clients and decided to take them to dinner when they would be in Perth.

    They suggested that we go for dinner after they have bought their third and fourth properties with us to celebrate success! And that’s what we love to hear.

    So, more than a success story, what we love is the trust and loyalty that our clients have given us over the years.

    Thanking all property buyers who trust us

    We would like to thank all home buyers, property investors, and all who trust our buyer’s agency.

    We appreciate getting to know you, and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you!

    You can be our next success story!

    Get in touch with us today

    If you’re looking to invest in or move to Perth, WA, and if you’re finding it hard to purchase in this crazy hot market, we can help you.

    Reach out to us anytime using this contact form.

    You will have our honest opinion, and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

    Until next time and until we hear from you, happy investing!

    See what our clients are saying about our services


    Perth Buyer's Agent Heath Bassett

    About the author

    Property Buyer's Agent and Co-Founder at You&Me Personalised Property Services

    Buy property in Perth and Brisbane with confidence.

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