Decoding real estate selling agents tactics

Decoding real estate selling agents tactics

Perth Buyer's Agent Simon Deering


Buyer's agent and co-founder

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    Are you tired of feeling left behind in the competitive Perth real estate market? You’re not alone. With housing prices soaring and inventory low, understanding the tactics real estate agents use has never been more crucial.

    In fact, recent news reports have highlighted agents getting into trouble for underquoting, a tactic that can leave buyers frustrated and out of pocket. This comprehensive guide offers practical steps to help you master the art of decoding real estate selling agent tactics and achieve your home-buying goals with confidence.

    Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor, this step-by-step tutorial will walk you through the common strategies agents use and equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions in your property journey.

    The Perth real estate market has been particularly challenging in recent years, with properties often selling for $50,000 to $150,000 above the advertised price. This discrepancy between listed and sale prices has left many buyers feeling confused and discouraged. However, by understanding the tactics behind these pricing strategies, you can navigate the market more effectively and potentially save yourself thousands of dollars in the process.

    Moreover, as the market continues to evolve, so do the strategies employed by real estate selling agents. From end-date sales to express auctions, the techniques used to create urgency and drive up prices are becoming increasingly sophisticated. But don’t worry, with the right knowledge and approach, you can level the playing field and make confident, informed decisions about your property purchases.

    Preparation and Planning

    Before diving into the property market, it’s essential to arm yourself with knowledge. Understanding real estate agent tactics is your first line of defense against overpaying or missing out on your dream home. Proper preparation will not only save you time and stress but potentially thousands of dollars.

    Think of this preparation phase as building your armour for the real estate battlefield. Each piece of information you gather, each trend you analyse, and each strategy you understand adds another layer of protection against potential pitfalls. By investing time in this crucial stage, you’re setting yourself up for success in the long run.

    Materials Needed

    • Access to real estate websites (e.g.,
    • Notebook or digital device for taking notes
    • Calculator for quick price comparisons
    • List of properties you’re interested in
    • Contact information for a trusted buyer’s agent (recommended)
    • Recent sales data for your target suburbs
    • Property market reports for Perth and specific areas of interest
    • Access to property valuation tools or services

    Having these resources at your fingertips will enable you to quickly assess properties, compare prices, and make informed decisions on the spot. Remember, in a fast-moving market, being prepared can make the difference between securing your dream home and missing out.

    Preparation Checklist

    • Research current market trends in your desired area
    • Familiarise yourself with common real estate terms and jargon
    • Set a realistic budget, including buffer for potential bidding wars
    • Understand different sale methods (e.g., end date sale, express sale)
    • Prepare a list of questions to ask agents at open homes
    • Create a spreadsheet to track properties you’ve viewed and their details
    • Set up alerts on real estate websites for new listings in your target areas
    • Attend several open homes to get a feel for the market and agent tactics
    • Consider getting pre-approval for your home loan to strengthen your position
    • Research the reputation of real estate agencies operating in your target areas

    By thoroughly completing this checklist, you’ll be well-equipped to face the challenges of the Perth real estate market. Remember, knowledge is power, and in this case, it’s also your best defense against overpaying for a property.

    Steps to Decoding Real Estate Selling Agent Tactics

    Real estate selling agents employ various strategies to maximise the sale price for their clients (property sellers). By understanding these tactics, you can understand the buying process more effectively. Here’s a breakdown of common tactics and how to decode them:

    It’s important to remember that while these tactics may seem manipulative, agents are legally obligated to act in the best interest of their sellers. Your job as a buyer is not to outsmart the selling agent, but to equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions. By understanding these strategies, you can engage in the process more confidently and effectively.

    Recognise Underquoting

    Understand how agents may list properties below market value to attract more buyers.

    • Identify listings with phrases like “Offers over $X” or price ranges
    • Research recent sales in the area to gauge realistic prices
    • Be prepared for properties to sell significantly above the listed price
    • Remember: In Perth, properties often sell $50,000 to $150,000 above the advertised price

    Underquoting is a tactic that has gained significant attention in recent years. In essence, it involves advertising a property at a price lower than what the seller is actually willing to accept. This practice is designed to attract more potential buyers, create a sense of competition, and ultimately drive up the final sale price.

    For example, a property that the seller expects to sell for around $600,000 might be advertised with “Offers over $500,000”. This lower price point attracts buyers who might not otherwise consider the property, potentially leading to a higher number of offers and a final sale price that exceeds the seller’s expectations.

    To combat this tactic, it’s crucial to do your own research. Look at recent sales of similar properties in the area, consider factors like location, size, and condition, and try to establish a realistic price range for the property you’re interested in. This will help you avoid getting caught up in the excitement of a seemingly good deal, only to be disappointed when the price soars beyond your budget.

    If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always assume the actual selling price will be higher than advertised.

    End Date Sales

    Understand how end date sales create urgency and potentially drive up prices.

    • Recognize that end date sales are designed to create competition
    • Don’t be swayed by the number of people at an open home
    • Prepare your best offer based on your research, not emotion
    • Consider seeking off-market opportunities to avoid bidding wars

    End date sales, also known as “offers by” or “best and final” sales, are becoming increasingly common in the Perth market. This method involves setting a specific date by which all offers must be submitted. The aim is to create a sense of urgency and competition among buyers, potentially driving up the final sale price.

    During an end date sale, you might notice increased activity at open homes as the deadline approaches. It’s important not to let this influence your decision-making process. Remember, not everyone attending an open home is a serious buyer, and some may be there simply out of curiosity or to gauge the market.

    When participating in an end date sale, it’s crucial to stick to your budget and the value you’ve determined for the property based on your research. Don’t be tempted to offer more than you’re comfortable with just because you’re aware of other interested parties. Sometimes, walking away from a property that’s garnering too much attention can be the wisest decision.

    Ask the agent about the number of genuine offers received, not just expressions of interest. This can give you a more accurate picture of the actual competition for the property.

    Decode Selling Agent Communication

    Learn to read between the lines of agent speak.

    • Understand that agents are legally obligated to act in the seller’s best interest
    • Be skeptical of vague phrases like “lots of interest” or “won’t last long”
    • Ask for specific, verifiable information about offers and property history
    • Remember: It’s okay to doubt and question the information provided

    Real estate agents are skilled communicators, and understanding their language is key to decoding their tactics. Often, the information they provide is carefully worded to create a sense of urgency or competition, while remaining technically truthful.

    For instance, when an agent says there’s “lots of interest” in a property, this could mean anything from several serious buyers to a high number of inquiries, many of which may not translate into actual offers. Similarly, “won’t last long” is a phrase designed to create urgency, but it doesn’t necessarily reflect the actual market demand for the property.

    When communicating with agents, always ask for specific, verifiable information. Instead of accepting vague statements, ask questions like:

    • “How many written offers have you received?”
    • “What was the feedback from other buyers about the property’s price?”
    • “Can you tell me about any building or pest issues that have been identified?”

    Remember, while selling agents cannot lie or mislead you, they are not obligated to volunteer information that might negatively impact the sale. It’s up to you to ask the right questions and seek the information you need to make an informed decision.

    Build relationships with multiple agents to cross-reference information and get a more accurate picture of the market. This can help you spot inconsistencies and get a better understanding of true market conditions.

    Handle Private Inspections

    Learn how to secure and make the most of private inspections.

    • Understand that agents prefer open homes to create competition
    • Network and build relationships to gain access to private inspections
    • Use private inspections to thoroughly examine the property without pressure
    • Prepare a list of specific questions to ask during the private inspection

    Private inspections can be a valuable tool in your home-buying journey, offering you the opportunity to view a property without the pressure and competition of an open home. However, securing a private inspection can sometimes be challenging, as agents often prefer open homes to create a sense of competition among buyers.

    Building relationships with local agents can increase your chances of securing a private inspection. By being well-prepared, asking informed questions, and following up after inspections, you can demonstrate that you’re a serious buyer. Over time, agents may be more willing to accommodate your requests for private viewings.

    When you do secure a private inspection, make the most of it. Without the distraction of other buyers, you can take your time to thoroughly examine the property. Look for signs of potential issues, such as water damage, cracks in walls, or signs of pest infestation. Test all fixtures and fittings, and don’t be afraid to look in cupboards, under sinks, and in other areas you might feel uncomfortable exploring during an open home.

    During the inspection, ask the agent detailed questions about the property’s history, any renovations or repairs that have been done, and the seller’s motivations. While the agent may not be able to disclose all information, their responses (or lack thereof) can provide valuable insights.

    If you can’t secure a private inspection, arrive early or stay late at open homes for a less crowded viewing experience. This can give you extra time to inspect the property more thoroughly.

    Common Issues and Solutions

    1. Issue: Feeling pressured to make an offer on the spot. Solution: Always take time to think. Inform the agent you need to consult with your financial advisor or family before making a decision. It’s common for agents to create a sense of urgency, especially in a competitive market. They might suggest that other buyers are ready to make an offer, or that the seller is considering another proposal. While this may sometimes be true, it’s essential not to let this pressure rush you into a decision you’re not comfortable with. Remember, buying a property is a significant financial and personal decision. It’s perfectly reasonable to take the time you need to consider all aspects of the purchase. If an agent is pushing you to decide immediately, politely but firmly state that you need time to think it over. A reputable agent will understand and respect your need for consideration.
    2. Issue: Difficulty getting straight answers from agents. Solution: Ask direct, specific questions and request written responses where possible. If an agent is evasive, consider it a red flag. Agents are skilled at providing information in a way that best serves their clients – the sellers. This can sometimes result in vague or indirect answers to your questions. To combat this, prepare a list of specific, direct questions before each interaction with an agent. For example, instead of asking “Has there been much interest in the property?”, ask “How many written offers have you received?” or “How many second inspections have there been?”. These specific questions are harder to answer vaguely. If an agent consistently provides evasive answers, or if their responses seem to contradict information you’ve received elsewhere, consider this a warning sign. It might indicate that there are issues with the property they’re trying to downplay, or that the level of interest isn’t as high as they’re suggesting.
    3. Issue: Constantly being outbid on properties. Solution: Reassess your budget and target slightly lower-priced properties. Consider looking in neighboring suburbs or engaging a buyer’s agent. In a competitive market like Perth, it’s not uncommon to face multiple instances of being outbid. If this is happening consistently, it may be time to reassess your strategy. First, review your budget. Are you targeting properties at the very top of your price range? If so, you may have little room to compete when a bidding war starts. Consider looking at properties listed 10-15% below your maximum budget to give yourself some flexibility. Next, expand your search area. Sometimes, neighboring suburbs can offer similar properties at more competitive prices. Research upcoming areas that might be on the cusp of growth but haven’t yet seen prices skyrocket. Finally, consider engaging a buyer’s agent. While this involves an additional cost, a good buyer’s agent can provide access to off-market properties, offer valuable market insights, and negotiate on your behalf. Their expertise can often save you money in the long run, especially in a challenging market.

    A good buyer’s agent will have extensive market knowledge, strong relationships with local selling agents, and skilled negotiation tactics. They can often help you secure properties at better prices and with better terms than you might achieve on your own. However, it’s important to weigh the cost of a buyer’s agent against the potential benefits. In some cases, particularly for experienced buyers in less competitive markets, the cost might outweigh the benefits. Always do your due diligence when selecting a buyer’s agent, checking their credentials, track record, and client testimonials.


    Decoding real estate agent tactics is an essential skill in today’s competitive property market. By recognising underquoting, end-date sales, decoding agent communication, and leveraging private inspections, you’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions and secure your ideal property at a fair price.

    Throughout this guide, we’ve explored various strategies employed by real estate agents in the Perth market. We’ve learned how to identify underquoting by comparing listed prices with recent sales data, and how to navigate end date sales without succumbing to artificial pressure. We’ve also discussed the importance of decoding agent communication, asking specific questions, and seeking verifiable information.

    Moreover, we’ve highlighted the value of private inspections and how to secure them, giving you the opportunity to thoroughly examine properties without the distractions of open homes. By employing these strategies and maintaining a level head, you can navigate the complex world of real estate with confidence and clarity.

    Remember, while agents use these tactics to achieve the best outcomes for their sellers, understanding them doesn’t mean you’re working against the agent. Rather, this knowledge allows you to engage in the process more effectively, making decisions based on facts rather than emotions or pressure.

    Next Steps

    Now that you understand these tactics, consider deepening your knowledge by:

    • Attending multiple open homes to practice your new skills
    • Networking with local real estate professionals
    • Staying updated on market trends and property news
    • Considering whether a buyer’s agent might be beneficial for your situation
    • Creating a detailed plan for your property search, including your must-haves, nice-to-haves, and deal-breakers
    • Reviewing and refining your budget based on your new understanding of the market

    As you put these skills into practice, you’ll likely find that your confidence grows and your ability to spot good deals improves. Don’t be discouraged if it takes some time to feel fully comfortable – like any skill, decoding real estate agent tactics takes practice.

    Get in touch with our team

    Ready to put your new knowledge into action? We’d love to hear about your experiences. Have you encountered any of these tactics in your property search? How did you handle them?

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the Perth real estate market or want personalised advice on navigating these tactics, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of Perth local buyers agents at You&Me Personalised Property Services.

    Remember, knowledge is power in real estate. Stay informed, stay prepared, and until next time, happy investing!

    Video Transcript

    Perth Buyer's Agent Simon Deering

    About the author

    Buyer's Agent, Co-Founder at You&Me Personalised Property Services

    Helping property buyers get into Perth and Brisbane property faster and for less.

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