Buyers Agent Fee

How much do we charge for our services?

Are you looking to use a buyer's agent in Perth or Brisbane but aren't sure about the costs? At You&Me Personalised Property Services, we offer a transparent, fair, and percentage-based fee structure that aligns our success with yours.

Higly rated on GoogleLicensed Real Estate ProfessionalsYou&Me-GuaranteeWe're fully dedicated to the buyer

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5 star rated buyer's agency
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The Big Question: Buyer's Agent Fees

How much do buyer's agents charge?

Understand what you're investing in and how to maximise the value of this partnership

Purchasing a property is a significant financial commitment for many Australians. From going through countless listings to negotiating offers, the path to homeownership can be complex and challenging.

This is where the expertise of a buyer's agent shines, providing guidance and support through the real estate labyrinth. However, like any professional service, engaging a buyer's agent comes at a price.

Perth Buyer's Agent Simon Deering
Perth Buyer's Agent Heath Bassett

What are buyer's agent fees?

Simply put, buyer's agent fees are the payment you make to the BUYER'S AGENT representing you, the buyer, in the property transaction.

These fees usually range from 2% to 3% of the property's purchase price or could also come in the form of a tiered system, whereby, as an example, the property cost is $0-$600k and you’ll pay $13,000 plus GST, $600-$800k and it'll jump up to $17,000 plus GST.

A win-win fee structure: our percentage-based approach

We believe the fair system for all buyers is a percentage-based formula, but they can vary based on location, market conditions, and the specific services offered.

The buyer would usually pay an upfront fee, which we call a commitment fee, to be able to start your deeper meetings, weekly meetings, reach out for off-market opportunities, emails, calls, open and private inspections, negotiations, contracts, organise inspections, and make the process smooth up to settlement.

At settlement, a success fee will be paid.

Understanding the Value

Why would need to hire a buyer's agent?

Simon Deering and Heath Bassett Co-Founders of the buyers agency YouandMe Pesonalised Property Services

Market Expertise and Access

Our buyers agents have in-depth knowledge of the local real estate market, including property values, recent sales, and upcoming listings. We also have access to more off-market properties.

Negotiation Power and Savings

We are skilled negotiators. We represent the buyer and secure the best possible price and terms, potentially saving you thousands of dollars. Our objectivity and market knowledge can also prevent you from overpaying due to emotional attachment.

Time and Stress Reduction

Searching for and purchasing a property can be a time-consuming and stressful process. We handle the legwork, from researching properties and attending inspections to managing negotiations and paperwork.

You might wonder why you’d fork out cash for something you could theoretically do yourself, and you’re right, you could.

The same as a you could diagnose your own sickness, fix your own car or even represent yourself in a court room, but the expertise and support provided by a buyer's agent often justify the cost.

Local Insight

Buyer's agents have a deep understanding of local markets, down to street level – trends, property values, crime rates, vacancy rates, rental expectations and sales data, as well as the vibe of different suburbs. This knowledge helps you make informed decisions and avoid paying too much for the property.

Negotiation Mojo

Getting the best deal requires skill and experience. Our Buyer's Agents are ace negotiators who can use their leverage, knowledge and proven negotiation skills, to secure favourable terms and perks on your behalf.


Access All Areas

While online listings are handy, we quite often have access to off-market listings and exclusive opportunities that you wouldn’t find otherwise. In fact, 40% of our purchases are off market deals, but why? We have been in the industry a long time; this enables us to create fantastic and long-lasting relationships with selling agents who want to do deals with us.

Smooth Sailing

Buying a home involves a lot of tasks, from scheduling inspections to liaising with lenders and lawyers/settlement agents. A buyer's agent acts as your go to person, streamlining the process and making sure nothing slips through the cracks.


Our Unmatched Guarantee

If we don't present a matching property within 3 months, you'll receive a 20% discount on our fee. If we haven't found your property within 6 months, we'll waive our fee completely. With limited risk and everything to gain, our guarantee is a no-brainer. Trust our dedicated buyer's agents to go above and beyond to find your perfect property, while enjoying the peace of mind you deserve.

*Terms and conditions apply.

Making the Most of Your Investment

While buyer's agent fees are fair for the services (most provide), you can take steps to maximise the bang for your buck:

Shop around

Don’t settle for the first agent you come across. Look for someone with a solid reputation through google reviews, a referral from trusted groups, friends or family.  top-notch communication skills are vital, and very important in your buying journey, and a good grip on your target market. Just looking at fees alone, is not the best advice.

Be clear

Before signing anything, hash out your expectations with your agent. Lay out your budget, preferences, and timeline so you’re both on the same page, but the agent should be doing having these conversations and meetings with you before getting started anyway.  Ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable, and always ask what their point of difference is.

Stay in the loop

Your agent will handle a lot, but it’s crucial to stay informed and involved. Ask questions, read through documents carefully and with your agent, and speak up if anything doesn’t sit right or make sense.

Buyer's agent fees are an investment in know-how, advocacy, and peace of mind. By understanding what you’re paying for and taking proactive steps to maximise the value, you can navigate the home-buying journey with confidence. So, when you’re ready to dive into the world of property ownership, remember that a knowledgeable and dedicated buyer's agent can be worth their weight in gold.

Making the Most of Your Investment

Buyer's agent fees are an investment in know-how, advocacy, and peace of mind. By understanding what you’re paying for and taking proactive steps to maximise the value, you can navigate the home-buying journey with confidence. So, when you’re ready to dive into the world of property ownership, remember that a knowledgeable and dedicated buyer's agent can be worth their weight in gold.

Buyer's Agent Fees FAQs

Buyer's agent fees can vary depending on the agent and the services provided. Some buyers agents charge a tiered flat fee, while others charge a percentage of the purchase price, typically ranging from 1% to 3%. It's essential to discuss the fee structure upfront with your buyer's agent to ensure clarity and transparency.

Factors such as the level of service required, the complexity of the transaction, and market conditions can influence the willingness of an agent to negotiate their fees. It never hurts to ask if there's room for negotiation, but be prepared to justify your request and consider the value the agent brings to the table.

Typically, buyer's agent fees are paid at the beginning (commitment fee), and at the closing or settlement of the property transaction (success fee).

Engaging a buyer's agent can be valuable, especially for time-poor people, first-time homebuyers, or those experiencing a complex real estate market.

A buyer's agent brings expertise, market knowledge, negotiation skills, and a network of industry contacts to the table. 

We can certainly help you save time, avoid costly mistakes, and potentially negotiate a better deal, which can offset their fees in the long run.

The You&Me Guarantee

Peace of mind with our buyer's agent services

If we have not presented you with a property that matches your description within 3 months, we wipe 20% off your fee. If we haven't found you a property after 6 months: we'll do it for FREE.
Please note, this means if we can not find you a property that matches our initial key points and descriptions through our Discovery Meeting. We take no responsibility for providing property opportunities that match your criteria, but are continually knocked back.

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